Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hooray for the Stockpile!

There's loads of benefits to having a well-stocked kitchen and freezer: I save money by stocking up when things are on sale, I rarely need to run to the store because I'm out of something, I can skip or postpone shopping when I don't feel like going... the list goes on and on.

On Labor Day I had yet another reason to be thankful for our stockpile.

The backyard fence between our yard and the neighbors has been in a sorry state for awhile now. We've talked with them a few times about replacing it but hadn't yet gotten around to doing anything about it. On Sunday, my neighbor (who is also a contractor) came over and said he was getting a bunch of his friends over, and would it be ok if they took some measurements and replaced the fence the next day? Umm... yes!

In the morning, Ninja Hubz went over to assist with the tear-down of the existing fence and offer what help he could on the project (he's not terribly handy and didn't want to get in the way, but wanted to contribute as much as he was capable). Our neighbor mentioned he was going to thank his friends for their help by feeding them a BBQ lunch and would soon be heading to the store for provisions.

Ninja Hubz immediately offerred to help in the feeding of the workers, and came back home asking what we had in the freezer. We ended up making about 3 lbs of hamburger patties to send over, along with a couple packages of hot dogs, all pulled from the freezer. I can't tell you how nice it was for us to be able to just whip this up without having to worry about the cost.

We were happy to help feed the guys, and they all seemed to enjoy the food. For the cost of half the materials and some stockpiled meat, we now have a beautiful and well-constructed fence!

And I'm not the least bit concerned about having depleted my ground beef stockpile to share with others, because when the grocery ads came in the mail the following day, I noticed ground beef on sale for 1.49/lb! Things have a way of working out like that :)

Having a well-stocked freezer Works for Me!


UnfinishedMom said...

Yeah for the stockpile. On Labor Day I fed my extended family spaghetti from my stockpile after we spent the day cleaning out my Dad's house.

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